
Company & Industry News

Building Regulations changes update Posted by Spencermayes, 19/07/2011

Shortly after December's announcement about domestic consequential improvements, the government made a further announcement, on changes to Building Regulations in England. The changes so far announced are not major. The... read more

Latest M&E maintenance KPIs encouraging Posted by Spencermayes, 28/01/2013

The latest M&E maintenance key performance indicators have been published by BSRIA. Environmental managers are always searching for ways to get effective maintenance at low overheads. Small wonder that... read more

Indoor Air Quality - the elephant in the low carbon room? Posted by Spencermayes, 28/11/2013

The science of climate change is now well accepted, and as such the UK’s international leadership, albeit faltering, in moving towards a low carbon economy must be welcomed.As always there are unintended... read more

Building Performance Evaluation Posted by Spencermayes, 28/07/2014

BSRIA has been involved in many recent projects including an independent assessment of the realised performance of low energy / environmentally conscious buildings.  This includes projects associated with the Technology Strategy Board’s... read more

BSRIA study shows large hyper data centres are changing the market for precision cooling Posted by Spencermayes, 21/09/2015

A newly published market study from BSRIA shows that large hyper data centres are changing the market for precision cooling and that over the next five to 10 years the use of traditional computer room air-conditioning (CRAC) units is expected to... read more

iNSPiRe and its approach to achieving effective retrofit Posted by , 16/05/2016

There is an increasing need to upgrade the existing building stock and improve building performance, which is particularly important if the targets for reduced energy consumption that have been set by EPBD are to be achieved.BSRIA is currently one... read more

Low Carbon Technologies in Non-Domestic Buildings Survey Results Posted by , 08/06/2016

BSRIA was commissioned by the Department of Energy & Climate Change (DECC) to help them to better understand the current knowledge and evidence gaps in relation to "low carbon" heating and cooling systems in the... read more

New air filtration and clean Indoor Air Quality Standards Posted by SpencerMayes, 18/02/2020

An important step forward to improve control of air quality in buildings. There have been many recent changes in the British, European and World technical standards relating to clean Indoor Air Quality and the air filter performance... read more

Indoor Environmental Quality As a Priority Concern in Buildings Posted by , 02/07/2020

We spend over 80% of our time indoors, perhaps a little more since lockdown begun. Recent publications about the poor air quality (AQ) in our towns and cities, coupled with investigations on the link between AQ and coronavirus transmission, as... read more

New World Health Organisation information emphasises effective ventilation in buildings Posted by , 13/10/2020

The World Health Organisation has recently published information about the airborne transmission of COVID-19. This new information further emphasises the importance of having good, effective ventilation in a building. Ensuring... read more

Information for today’s “buildings of tomorrow” Posted by , 08/12/2020

Climate Change, the coronavirus pandemic and the fourth industrial revolution are all driving immense changes in the way we design, run and maintain our buildings. In response, the following trends have developed: an increasing... read more

Insulation of flues and chimneys needs to match the increasing air tightness of buildings Posted by , 02/02/2021

Legislation and market demand for low carbon solutions are driving the adoption of higher levels of insulation in new build properties and an increasing number of passive house projects. These upgrades also mean that related services must... read more

Net Zero for existing buildings - Fabric First Investigation Posted by , 08/04/2021

The UK was the home of the industrial revolution and, according to Michael Gove, therefore has a moral responsibility to lead on cutting emissions. In April 2019, the UK Green Building Council (UKGBC) published its first framework definition for... read more

Hydrogen for heating: The fuel of the future? Posted by , 28/06/2021

The UK is legally bound to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. We are making some achievements as a nation in this area, with energy consumption in the UK having dropped by 12% overall since 2000. Since the turn of the... read more

The Rise of 5G in Buildings Posted by , 19/08/2021

Covid-19 is the biggest single global event in modern history, impacting most aspects of our lives. A significant change has been the ensuing digital transformation, with many people working remotely as well as shopping, banking, and finding... read more

Fabric First will Safeguard Heat Decarbonisation Posted by , 07/01/2022

BSRIA welcomes the Government’s increased focus and support for low-carbon heating technologies and plans for curbing sales of fossil fuel boilers. However, the Heat and Buildings Strategy fails to tackle energy efficiency improvements in... read more

Smoothing the Path to Net Zero Posted by , 21/02/2022

Of the many challenges facing the UK’s transition to carbon Net Zero by 2050, temperature control in buildings is one of the most daunting. Fossil fuels, especially natural gas, are the most common source of heat for buildings and much of... read more

How are our buildings and their occupants responding to extreme heat? Posted by , 04/10/2022

The recent weather pattern in the UK replicated across much of Europe with record temperatures that have been attributed to the cause of death of hundreds if not thousands of people whilst sparking wildfires across the continent. The U.S. is now... read more

Maximising Effective Ventilation Posted by , 22/01/2025

Clean Air Must Be a Right, Not a Chance Encounter In a world where we spend most of our time indoors—up to 92% of our lives in the UK—the quality of the air we breathe within our homes, workplaces, and schools... read more

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